All EAD employees are carefully selected and initial, at the same time as the employment contract is signed, a Confidentiality Agreement regarding all types of information and data with which they have contact in the scope of their activity in the EAD.

EAD has its own containers designed to store and keep records in custody. In alternative, records classified as Current Archive are stored in specially purposed shelves.

Yes! EAD’s scan division is specifically oriented to this type of activity.

It is only necessary œ hour to receive copies. To have access to originals it is necessary 24 hours, or 3 hours in urgent cases.

Because the fast access to information is a competitive advantage.

You only need to contact EAD and we will assess Archive and transfer conditions. EAD technicians are qualified to take care of all operations.

No! EAD takes care of the latest stage of a document life cycle.

No! Only persons validated by EAD Contact Center.

EAD provides Consultancy Services in Archival Sciences, correcting this kind of situations.

EAD has numerous prevention and reaction devices against such situations.

Just follow the map available on the site.

No! Only records that can vary in terms of physical dimensions or shape.

No! EAD Technicians perform all collection and transfer operations.