The Secure Shredding service allows you to safeguard potential risk situations in the process of deleting confidential documentation.
It is normal to see news from companies struggling with the problem of insecure handling of confidential information, either due to the fact that there are numerous players with access to this information, or the lack of knowledge about the places of deposit and methods of destruction of such documentation.
Identity theft is becoming increasingly problematic today. There may be many reasons for document destruction, from concern for good environmental practice to the implications of breaching confidentiality in documents left to those who wish to consult them.
EAD, with its Secure Shredding (RSAD) service, offers 2 solutions for the secure and confidential disposal of your obsolete documentation, punctual and periodic service.
Punctual ServiceAfter assessing the volume and accessibility conditions, the EAD technical team travels to the customer’s home to collect the documentation to be deleted. In this process usually large volumes of accumulated documentary masses are collected, resulting from reallocations, changes or dislocations of spaces. The punctual recycling service works mainly as an extension or complementation of the consulting service, where after the identification of the file to be kept, the file to be deleted is purged.
At the end of the execution of the service, the client is provided with proof of the effective destruction of the documentation, as well as the waste monitoring guide. Whenever appropriate, the client can follow this whole process.
Periodic Service
The purpose of the EAD service is to provide containers for archive and documentation recycling and periodic collection service, transportation to the EAD and further destruction of the entire Document Collection from the customer.
The service is based on three aspects:
– Placing on the customer premises of the selected container (s);
– Periodic collection service of the produced documentation;
– Secure and confidential disposal of documentation by means of shredding with security level 4. The EAD will place in strategic locations within the company premises, containers specially designed to adapt to the different needs of the customer, in the places indicated by himself.
DocBox Features:
- Metal container, body made of horizontal ribbed alloy plate.
- Lockable for added security and confidentiality.
- With its own slot that only allows paper to be loaded.
- Top cover attached to the back.
- Locking lock on the front side.
- Ergonomically designed for small spaces.
• Composed of fire resistant materials.
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