EAD - Empresa de Arquivo de Documentação


Paulo Veiga

Paulo Veiga

Administrator and CEO

Career and professional duties Post Graduation in Documentary Sciences, in the archive variant, from the Faculty of Letters. Founder and administrator of EAD, his professional career includes the ANJE leadership, the presidency of JCI Portugal (World Federation of Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs), the presidency of Casa do Benfica de Palmela and the training provided in the areas of management and…

Helena Costa

Helena Costa

Administrator and Chief Financial Officer

Post Graduation in Fiscal Management of Organizations, obtained at ISEG – Superior Institute of Economics and Management. Since April 1998, she has held the position of Chief Financial Officer and TOC of the company.

Marco Santos

Marco Santos

Information Technology Administrator and Director

Career and professional duties Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineer from Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon. From his previous professional activity, he has highlighted the role of consultant at Altior (Altran Group) in projects for the following companies: Siemens Alcatel Xerox Millennium BCP PTSI in ​​application development, database, and electronic tools. of document management.

Élia Jesus

Élia Jesus

Human Resources Director

Career and professional roles Graduated in Human Resources Management, Master in Sociology of Work and Organizations by ISEG – Higher Institute of Economics and Management and postgraduate in Safety and Health at Work. He performed human resources management functions in different companies, namely ports and industrial companies. She also has extensive experience as a human resources consultant and trainer, as…

João Inocêncio

João Inocêncio

Commercial & Marketing Director

Career and professional duties Post Graduation in Management from the New School of Business and Economics, graduated in Economics from Lusófona University, and Bachelor of Business Informatics from the Higher Institute of Mathematics and Management. At Futuro, he held the following roles: marketing and customer manager, administrative technician and deputy head of the after sales department, administrative of the after…

Paula Falcão

Paula Falcão

Quality and Environment Direction

Career and professional duties Degree obtained at the Higher School of Education of Setúbal, course of teachers of the 1st cycle of Basic Education. In the 2002/2003 school year she was placed in the School – EB1 Setúbal Nº5 to teach. At EAD she has been coordinating the Quality and Environment Area since 2005.

Mauro Silva

Mauro Silva


Career and professional roles Holder of the Technical Information Course – BAD/Library and Documentation Services Level 4 QRQ EPA, at Escola Profissional Atlântico, LDA, Funchal (Portugal), his communication and coordination skills were solidified through the training he carried out in the field of technical and his professional experience at CTT, where he worked in customer service. Mauro Silva takes over…

Paulo Andrade

Paulo Andrade

Head of Azores Operations Center

Career and professional duties With a degree in Tourism and nearing completion of his Master’s degree in Economic and Business Sciences with specialization in Public Policy, Paulo César Andrade arrives at the EAD Group with extensive experience in the commercial, training and customer support areas, having worked at Banco Santander Totta, SA and Banco Espírito Santo dos Açores, SA, Ponta…

Clara Branco

Clara Branco

Consulting Services Coordinator

Career and professional duties Postgraduate in Information and Documentation Sciences, University of Évora; Postgraduate in Text Editing, Universidade Nova de Lisboa; participation in ADF training activities (Document Management, Quality Management in Organizations; Guidelines for the application of Document Management Ordinances, etc.) and in conferences, colloquia and other events. Experience in performing Technical Coordination of Projects and Teams in the area…

EAD Group Policy

The EAD Group works to satisfy all stakeholders with a view to sustainable growth of its business
  • We provide innovative services and products within the scope of Document Management, aiming to meet your expectations by promoting the continuous improvement of the quality management system.
  • We work in a personalized way, aiming to meet the specific needs of each client.
  • We monitor the evolution of document management practices and technologies as well as digital transformation processes, seeking to anticipate customer needs and market trends.
  • We value everyone’s involvement and commitment to complying with the strategy, procedures and objectives defined by the Group, as well as consultation and participation in OSH issues.
  • We are committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injuries and health conditions for all our employees, in all workplaces and for all OSH risks that exist and may arise. to emerge.
  • We implement measures to eliminate hazards and reduce risks within OSH.
  • We involve employees in implementing good environmental practices and are committed to protecting the environment, including pollution prevention and other specific commitment(s), as well as continuous improvement of the environmental management system in order to improve environmental performance.
  • We invest in a common project that aims to add value and promote returns for all.
  • We work in partnership with a view to joint growth.
  • We involve suppliers in implementing good environmental practices and are committed to protecting the environment, including pollution prevention and other specific commitment(s), as well as continuous improvement of the environmental management system in order to improve environmental performance.

(local, regional, official entities)

  • Objectives for the Integrated Management System are defined and periodically monitored in accordance with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2023 and ISO/IEC 27001:2022;
  • We comply with and satisfy applicable requirements related to ISO/IEC 27001:2022; We comply with the legal obligations of ISO 14001:2015; We comply with the legal and other requirements of ISO 45001:2023; We comply with the requirements applicable under ISO 9001:2015.
  • We promote the protection of the environment, including the prevention of pollution and other specific commitment(s) relevant to the context of the organization for society in a global way, namely the reduction in the use of resources necessary for our activity (electricity, Fossil Fuels, Water Resources…) and their recycling (Paper, cardboard, plastic, etc.).
  • We ensure the security of all information, always taking into account the policies established in the Group, guaranteeing its Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability.
  • We implemented the Business Continuity Plan in order to guarantee that in the event of an accident, the information regarding the Stakeholders is safeguarded and the impacts minimized.
  • Commitment to the continuous improvement and effectiveness of the EAD Group Management System, for ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2023 and ISO/IEC 27001:2022.
  • We promote the development of the best environmental practices in favor of distance learning and society in general.

EAD Group Mission

Provide our clients with document management and digital transformation solutions, in a personalized way, aiming at providing excellent services.

EAD Group Vision

To be recognized among the best Document Management companies, sought after by clients who have challenging problems, by professionals who aspire to great challenges and by investors who want a solid investment.